Dr. Tom Steiner, Alpha Life and Business Coach
Dr. Tom Steiner, Alpha Life and Business Coach
          Call: 760-942-8366
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Alpha Coaching
Do you want to become an "Alpha?"
"I always thought that 'alphas' were the biggest, baddest and strongest. I was usually the loudest voice wherever I was and I thought that would help me stay on top. When I talked to Dr. Tom, I learned many tactics that other 'alphas' use which are far more subtle and effective to maintain their leadership. People around me keep commenting on how much I have changed."

Orange County, CA
Dr. Tom Steiner
Every group is driven by "alphas" or leaders that help set norms, guide
behavior and keep the group on track. "Alphas" accomplish these tasks
in a variety of ways. Answer the following questions to see if you have
"alpha" potential.
  1. Are you an alpha in your group?

  2. What alpha behaviors do you use most often? How effective are they in maintaining your status as an alpha?

  3. Do you receive feedback from others that indicate that they perceive you as an "alpha?"

  4. What obstacles keep you from becoming an "alpha?"

  5. What emotional, logical and people skills do you currently have? Which emotional, logical and people skills would you like to develop?

  6. What benefits do you currently receive for not behaving like an "alpha?" What benefits would you receive for behaving like an "alpha?"

  7. Are you good at reading people, their reactions and perceptions?

  8. How good are you at "selling" your views and opinions?

  9. Do you have "alpha" role models?

  10. How urgent is it for you to become an "alpha?"
'Uncommon Sense' and Straight Talk
Dr. Tom Steiner, Alpha Life and Business Coach
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Dr. Tom Steiner, Alpha Life and Business Coach
Home     Meet Dr. Tom     My Commitment To You     Top Tips     Corporate Clients     Contact
Dr. Tom Steiner
Alpha Coaching
Do you want to become an "Alpha?"
"I always thought that 'alphas' were the biggest, baddest and strongest. I was usually the loudest voice wherever I was and I thought that would help me stay on top. When I talked to Dr. Tom, I learned many tactics that other 'alphas' use which are far more subtle and effective to maintain their leadership. People around me keep commenting on how much I have changed."

Orange County, CA
'Uncommon Sense' and Straight Talk

Every group is driven by "alphas" or leaders that help set norms, guide
behavior and keep the group on track. "Alphas" accomplish these tasks
in a variety of ways. Answer the following questions to see if you have "alpha" potential.

  1. Are you an alpha in your group?

  2. What alpha behaviors do you use most often? How effective are they in maintaining your status as an alpha?

  3. Do you receive feedback from others that indicate that they perceive you as an "alpha?"

  4. What obstacles keep you from becoming an "alpha?"

  5. What emotional, logical and people skills do you currently have? Which emotional, logical and people skills would you like to develop?

  6. What benefits do you currently receive for not behaving like an "alpha?" What benefits would you receive for behaving like an "alpha?"

  7. Are you good at reading people, their reactions and perceptions?

  8. How good are you at "selling" your views and opinions?

  9. Do you have "alpha" role models?

  10. How urgent is it for you to become an "alpha?"
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